First of all, I would like to thank you for stopping by to check out our site.
I want to encourage you to stay focus because this is the year of overflow, victory and restoration. May you continue to seek the face of God so doors may be open for you to walk in every opportunity that God has ordained for you?
Our mission is to transform lives by empowering the saints to be servants and connecting people to Jesus. We are here to help train, teach, equip, and empower God’s people to develop a kingdom mindset to do kingdom business.
We at Gates of Praise, would like to invite you to one of our services on Sunday- Morning Worship Services at 10:30am, Small Group Bible Study on Wednesday@7pm , Cable Channel 18 Durham- Sunday@5pm, Channel 8 Chapel Hill-Sunday@5pm, Channel 18 Durham-Thursday@11pm, Channel 8 Chapel Hill-Thursday@11pm, various classes, workshops, conferences and seminars.
Grace and Peace be multiplied to you and your household.
Much Love to you,
Linda L. Smith, Senior Pastor